God’s Very Good Idea
God’s very good idea is to have lots of different people enjoying loving him and loving each other. This stunningly illustrated journey from the garden of Eden to God’s heavenly throne room shows how despite our sinfulness, everyone can be a part of God’s very good idea through the saving work of Christ.
This book celebrates diversity and will help children see how people from all ethnic and social backgrounds are valuable to God and how Jesus came to rescue all kinds of people. It will also excite them about being part of church – God’s delightfully different family.
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Meet the Author
Meet Trillia Newbell in interview who shares with us her thinking and reasoning behind why she wrote a book for children about diversity.
God's Very Good Idea Parents Playlist
Why should parents speak to their children about the news on TV? How can parents teach their kids to embrace diversity? these and more questions available for parents.
Various Translations
Discover God’s Very Good Idea in New Translations! Read more of the heart of the book as women of different ethnicities read in English, Spanish, and Korean.
This book is not only a good idea to read as a family, it’s a delightfully great way to be part of God’s good idea! With vibrant illustrations that dance, and rich, wise words that point to the most beautiful Truths and Truth Himself, this is a book that could change our families, the church, this generation.
Ann Voskamp
New York Times bestselling author of One Thousand Gifts and The Broken Way
God-centered, clear, and helpful. I highly recommend this book.
Blair Linne
Spoken-word artist
This book is a treasure and a joy for our family.
Aaron and Jamie Ivey
Musician, and host of The Happy Hour podcast