
Last week I shared on my various social media sites, a brief takeaway from a conversation I had with my mother. This takeaway has struck a nerve, understandably so. In our social media world, the use of the term “blessed” has been turned into a proclamation of all the good things that we have from vacations to cars to a new home. It’s often turned into a hashtag that says without saying, “I’m living my best life now.” In other words, it’s all about us, what we are receiving materially, gifts that will one day vanish, and not truly about the Lord. However, blessed is defined as those who live with God in heaven (noun) and to be made holy (adjective). There’s more to it and perhaps one day soon I’ll write more about what it means to be #blessed. But for now, I pray that what I shared on social media from my conversation with my mom might encourage you to think of all God’s blessings in your life (Psalm 103):

My mom called me last night to chat. Said: “People talk about being blessed but I know I’m blessed.” My mom has experienced the death of her young daughter, the death of her oldest daughter, the death of her husband, she has one kidney, has had cancer.

She knows Jesus #blessed




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