Finding My Voice

It’s interesting how life comes full-circle. There are times when I think I know which way I’m going and then God turns my path. In this case, he returned me back on my original path.

In 2007 I started a Christian fitness production company called Trill Fitness. The goal was to produce CD’s for group fitness instructors and then eventually produce a fitness video for the general public. I was quite excited about the venture. I began to write as well. I focused mostly on fitness but would add an element of faith when and where possible. But, after a year I became much more involved with my local fitness center and Trill Fitness as a production company was put on the back burner.

I began to solidify my position in the fitness industry through obtaining several certifications, writing about fitness and the industry, and management. At one point I even started my own studio, Trill Fitness Studio. It was many years of learning and growing skills that I will be forever grateful for.

In the mean time I also began writing for The Knoxville News-Sentinel. It was then that I knew that I loved to do one thing, write. I can hardly believe how much I enjoy interviewing people, writing features, figuring out the best way to phrase a sentence (this will be a life-time of learning). I knew I loved research but hadn’t explored writing as a profession. It changed everything!

The more I write, the more I love to write. And here I am; full-circle. No, I am not currently pursuing the development of a fitness video (though I will never weigh that out); nope, not opening a gym (never-again).  Nope, I’ve come full-circle back to my love, my first love, and my voice: Christian.

I have been writing more articles from a Christian perspective- my perspective. I write often about faith and family (among many other things) in The Knoxville News-Sentinel.   Those articles are news-oriented and localized. It wasn’t until I wrote a column in the paper about submissionthat I knew I wanted to write more faith-based perspective pieces. Two months later a website was born.

In November 2011 I began an online magazine style website, Women of God Magazine, where I am the managing editor. My writing voice has been dormant for many years now; I just had to wake it. Since finding my voice I have come to realize, Lord willing, I’d like to write for as long as I can move my fingers (hoping that is a very long time).

For some of you, you may be wondering about my fitness industry goals.  I’m not actively pursuing much in the fitness industry currently. I am still working with a few companies such as Fitmarc and The Healthy Living Expos, I am still writing fitness articles when needed, and I teach group fitness classes.

So, here I am, full-circle, refocused and excited. Not always sure what the future will bring but aware that God is sovereignly working all things together for my good and His glory. He has given me a voice and I am thankful and humbled to get to share it with you.




Controversial, Transparent, and Honest: Reflections on Honest 2 God


Reformed African American Network: An Interview with Phillip Holmes and Jemar Tisby