My Ministry Partner and Friend

This is a special week. The man who has walked through death and life with me has been given yet another day to live and another age to turn. He has been a staple in my life since I was 18 years old. He has counseled me with tender gentleness, loved me so well. We’ve been through great trials and sorrows and oh so much rejoicing together. His warmth and gentleness our children (our ultimate ministry) now get to enjoy. I thank God for Thern Newbell, my husband. But, today I thought I’d highlight something else quite special about Thern. He is my ministry partner and friend.

There isn’t one thing I do without the counsel and discernment of my husband in action on behalf of our family. We don’t really know what we are doing but we are trying to learn and live lives that glorify God. We submit it all to him. But I realized last week that there isn’t one thing that I can do or have been able to do without the wisdom, support, and care of my husband. He is my partner and leader. He helps guide me as we discern what ministry opportunities (writing or speaking) are best for our family. My ministry is his ministry and ultimately our prayer is that it is the Lord’s ministry. Oh, may I never take my ministry partner for granted!

And this partner of mine isn’t just a ministry partner, he’s my best friend. I am joy-filled. I’d be lying if I said otherwise. But there are days that are dark and hard and my Thern is there for me, willing to listen to the crazy things that fill my head at times. He helps me remember Truth. When I wake up, he’s there. When I fall asleep, he’s there. He is active and present and attentive. He isn’t a mind-reader, I’ve made the mistake of assuming he should be all-knowing, and so I have to let my friend know at times when I need help. And he’s there. God has given Thern a gift of patience, discernment, and gentleness. The way he utilizes these gifts in our home serves us so well in life and ministry.

Marriage isn’t less than the various roles of on men and women, but I think it’s so much more. This week, as I celebrate my Thern, I want to remember all the ways that the Lord has equipped him to serve our family. But I also want to remember that God has created him uniquely for His glory. I’m excited for this week. I don’t know why this year feels different than most, but it does. And I am grateful!

I receive so many notes of encouragement for my work. I’m so honored by it all. Would you do me a favor? Next time you think of the ministry I do, remember Thern too. We are a team and it’s a joy to do life and ministry with my best friend.




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