Pastors Pursuing Diversity Series Introduction

United explores the importance of pursuing diversity in the church by sharing my unique experiences growing up in the south and attending a predominately white church. I champion the theology of diversity throughout the book, looking at Scripture and providing compelling reasons to pursue diversity. I do this primarily by weaving in story describing my friendship with two women of different ethnicities.

Through this friendship, I discovered that there is a richness in knowing—really knowing—someone who is different from you. God thought it important to let us know in His Word that every tribe and tongue and nation who is in-Christ will be present and reflected on the last day, worshipping together. Shouldn’t we reflect the last day before He returns?

By the grace of God, this little book will provide a vision for the beauty of diversity, but in many ways pastors are the ones doing the work! I’ve had people ask me how can it be done, how can churches build diversity? So, I sought out several pastors who have a desire for building multi-ethnic churches or relationships in order to highlight their work and hopefully provide insight into this pursuit. I want to highlight what they are doing so that pastors far and wide get a real life look into the work of multicultural pastoral ministry.

I will start a new series of interviews beginning on Wednesday, February 19. The purpose is to provide a resource and insight for pastors from pastors. Please return each Wednesday to read about what other pastors have done and are doing in their churches.




Pastors Pursuing Diversity: Interview with Jeff Noble


Get to Know United’s Endorsers