Sneak Peek at all things “Sacred Endurance”

On November 12, Sacred Endurance will launch into the world and I want you to get a first look! I’m praying this book encourages us all to run the race with endurance fixing our eyes on the One who will sustain us till the end.

There’s a great deal to share so I’m going to get right to it.

If you’d like to know more about the book and what others are saying, check out my book page here:

I’m thrilled to share about the Stories of Sacred Endurance Podcast. Learn more and subscribe here (don’t forget to listen to the trailer!):

And be on the lookout on the blog for guest posts. I’ve invited friends to share their own stories of endurance or the stories of others. My prayer is that you would be inspired and encouraged as you read each guest post.

You can read an excerpt

Here’s a sneak peek at the Table of Contents:

  1. Called to a Race

  2. Jesus and the Cloud of Witnesses

  3. The Right Motivations

  4. The Real Christian Life

  5. Enduring and the Mind

  6. Enduring in Society and the World

  7. The Heart Needed, the Strength Supplied

  8. Taking Steps in Practical Disciplines

  9. Broken and Contrite

  10. Don’t Go It Alone

  11. Falling and Getting Up

  12. Looking to the Prize

Are you in Nashville on November 8? Join us for the Sacred Endurance event featuring music by Sandra McCracken, a short talk from Jedidiah Coppenger, a panel featuring Dr. Russell Moore, Barnabas Piper, Dorena Williamson and Trillia and other special surprises meant to encourage our faith to run the race set before us.


You can pre-order where books are sold or find it at these links: IVPAmazonChristianBook.comBarnes&Noble

God promises to finish the good work he began in us—but that doesn’t come without bumps in the road. Life can be hard, faith can wane, and distractions abound. Too many today are at risk of compromising their integrity or giving up on their faith. How can we persevere to the end? I, a fellow struggler on the journey, offer encouragement and hope for us to run the race well. While life may be full of challenges, we have a true and real hope in Jesus, who provides us with what we need to endure through pain and doubt. Newbell shares theological insights and practical disciplines to train us for faithful, godly living over the long haul. The race is hard, but you are not running it alone. Find strength and courage here to endure and finish well.




A Fresh Look at Proverbs 31


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