Why Should We Value Human Relationships?

What does it mean to bear the image of God? That is a question that I continually explore and one that I had the opportunity to address in August at The Gospel Projectblog.

Here is the introduction:

As God’s image bearers we are all equal. We are equal in dignity and worth. We are created equally in His image. We are also fallen equally (Romans 3:23). Genesis 1:26 explains that God created man in His image. Of all of God’s creation, we are the only ones created in His very image, we have dominion over the rest (Genesis 1:28). It is a profound mystery (God is spirit so we do not bear His physical image, John 4:24) and yet a great privilege. Understanding our equality as image bearers changes everything we think about as it relates to our human relationships.

You can read the rest here.




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