Fear and Faith
God could have made us all exactly the same, but He didn’t. And our differences are good!
Failure, loneliness, loss, rejection, unfulfilled dreams…there’s no shortage of things to fear in life. Fear can feel like an unwelcomed, constant companion in life, paralyzing your actions, damaging your relationships and hindering your faith.
Trillia is no stranger or casual observer to fear. She has personally felt its powerful grip on her life, but she’s also experienced a peace, trust and faith from One strong enough to conquer those fears.
In Fear and Faith, Trillia will encourage you with reflections on Scripture and her own story. She will show you Jesus, who was tempted like you in every way, including fear. She will show you the character of God and how it inspires faith. And she will show you real women who have walked the road of fear—or are still walking it—and how they found security in the Lord to be their strength. Whatever it is that you fear, you are not alone, nor are you without hope from the One who can replace your fear with faith in Him.

More Resources
Discovering Fear and Faith
Lindsay Swartz interviews Trillia Newbell about her book "Fear and Faith: Finding the Peace Your Heart Craves.”
Raising daughters to fight fear
Trillia Newbell interviews Jen Wilkin about teaching our daughters to fight fear and learning how to study the Word.
NEW Shareables and Media Kit
Download the media kit for Fear and Faith: finding the peace your heart craves.
Endorsements for Fear and Faith
The worst thing you can do with fear and anxiety is pretend it’s not there. Trillia serves us well in this book by addressing fear and anxiety head on and digs past the fear itself and into the very roots where fear is born. She does this with the gentleness of a mother and a mind steeped in the bible. Whether you personally struggle with fear or walk with people who do you will find helpful, well thought out help in the pages of this book.
Matt Chandler
Lead Pastor, The Village Church, Dallas, Texas; best-selling author, The Explicit Gospel
Trillia Newbell knows what it is to be plagued by fear. She also knows what it is to fight for faith and to ground her heart in the character of our wise, faithful, loving, sovereign God. She offers hope for overcoming our fears and experiencing true peace, through cultivating reverential fear of the Lord.
Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Author; Host of Revive Our Hearts
In this short and engaging work, Trillia puts her finger on the thing that, for many of us, keeps our faith subdued and our lives joyless: fear. She writes with humility, authenticity, and victory. I saw so much of my own story in hers. This book will bless you and release you.
J.D. Greear
Ph.D., Author of Jesus, Continued…Why the Spirit Inside You Is Better Than Jesus Beside You and Gospel: Recovering the Power that Made Christianity Revolutionary
Many Christians are scared, and too scared to say that they are scared. Trillia Newbell helps us to confront our fears and to point beyond them to a Christ who has vanquished every foe. This book grapples with heavy subjects but with the joyful gravity of a woman anointed with the Spirit and with wisdom. It will help you to overcome anxiety, worry, and faithless fear. It is good news for the scared.
Russell D. Moore
President, Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission
We love Trillia Newbell’s insights into common fears, and her vulnerability and transparency about her own struggles. Trillia’s heart—including her heart for others and for God and His Word—is opened beautifully on these pages. Fear and Faith is a warm, honest, hope-giving, Christ-centered book that will deepen your trust in God.
Randy & Nanci Alcorn
Authors of Help for Women Under Stress
In Fear and Faith, Trillia Newbell speaks from her heart and experience to all of us who find ourselves gripped by fear over what other people think of us, what might happen or what might never happen to us, pointing us toward the freedom to be found in being gripped by a very different kind of fear—the fear of the Lord.
Nancy Guthrie
Bible teacher and author of Hearing Jesus Speak Into Your Sorrow
Though Trillia Newbell writes mainly with women in mind, she speaks to all of us disordered and disoriented fearers in this book. She speaks like a friend across a table, humbly sharing her own fear struggles and giving us wise, comforting counsel that she’s learned from THE Book. And she reminds us that the more the right fear governs us (Prov. 9:10), the weaker our wrong fears become. Fear and Faith was a tonic to my soul.
Jon Bloom
President of Desiring God, author of Not By Sight and Things Not Seen
Many of us live in fear of the “what if’s.” After all, we live in a fallen world, where things like death are atrociously normalized as “part of life.” Fears fester and grow in the darkness of the “what it’s.” But oh! When the light shines! My friend Trillia Newbell has Good News for all of us who are tempted to live in fear. The what if’s have nowhere to hide from the brilliant “since” of the gospel. Come bask in the light– “since God did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all” (Rom. 8:32).
Gloria Furman
Author of Glimpses of Grace, Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full, and The Pastor’s Wife
In Fear and Faith, Trillia addresses real fears while drawing our attention upward to our very real God. He is good, sovereign and lovingly able to address our individual fears as He calls us to personally trust Him. Being cemented in God’s word is what our soul desperately needs since we are often drawn toward sinful fears rather than a healthy fear of God which comes through placing our faith in Him.
Blair Linne
Spoken word artist, pastor’s wife
If you’ve ever thought you were alone in your fears, this book assures you that no fear has overtaken you except that which is common to women. And if you’ve ever told yourself that fear is not a problem for you, this book will challenge you to examine the truth of that statement. Trillia methodically and compassionately asks women to stare down their fears, both rational and irrational, and to place them in the perspective of their relationship with the God of the universe. Fear is a common experience that requires the uncommon grace of God to overcome. This grace-filled book will help you reclaim the energy given to fearfulness and redirect it toward faith in an infinitely trustworthy God.
Jen Wilkin
Bible teacher and author of Women of the Word
Other Commendations
This mind-calming, soul-pacifying book will transform many fear-full women into faith-full women. It will also help many men understand their wives better and therefore serve them more patiently, lovingly, and skilfully.
David Murray Pastor, professor, and author of The Happy Christian
In her book, Fear and Faith, Trillia Newbell has given the church a valuable resource. With gentleness, humility and boldness Trillia unfolds the pages of her life for us and then points us over and over again to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. I recommend this book to those who struggle with fear, there is freedom in these pages. I also recommend this book to those who don’t think they struggle with fear as the truths in it apply to every area of our lives. I am grateful for Mrs. Newbell’s work and I think the church as a whole will benefit from it.
Jessica Thompson Author/Speaker
I believe that fear is the chief enemy of the feminine soul. In Fear and Faith, Trillia Newbell digs deep down into our feminine hearts to expose the roots of our fears—roots of pride and unbelief and covetousness. And then she helps us face into those fears as she carefully applies the words of our faithful God who encourages us over and over to “Fear not!” Don’t rush through this book. Savor it. It is full of wisdom and truth that you will want to return to time and again.
Jani Ortlund VP of Renewal Ministries, Author of Fearlessly Feminine and His Loving Law
Fear and Faith will serve to provide much needed encouragement to many women who may think they are the only ones suffering through crises that are all too common. Trillia’s candid personal testimony coupled with real life stories from other women with real struggles make the case for fear from several different fronts— and all testify that none is beyond the reach of Christ’s redeeming love towards us, His beloved children. Replete with biblical content, this book is a cogent reminder for us all that Christ is indeed enough for every circumstance as He faithfully holds us fast.
Mary K. Mohler President’s Wife Director of Seminary Wives Institute The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
I am so happy that my friend Trillia wrote this book. It offers real hope for women who are burdened and burned out by the fears that confront them on a daily basis. Fear and Faith offers a wonderful reminder that we don’t have to “perform” any longer, because our loving God cherishes and accepts us just as we are.
Kelly Rosati Vice President of Community Outreach, Focus on the Family
One of the things I love most about Trillia Newbell’s writing style is her winsome honesty. In Fear and Faith, Trillia bares her heart and allows us to walk close beside her in a personal journey with fear. Thank you, Trillia, for not only challenging those of us who struggle with fear, but also for clearly leading us on the pathway to true peace—through the heart of the gospel! Trillia nails it: “You won’t be able to walk out your faith with confidence in Jesus until you understand that He is your risen King and is interceding for you now! He is so for you. There is no better news than this.”
Kimberly Wagner Author of Fierce Women
We can all identify with the destructive and paralyzing results of living by fear. As Christians we long for lives defined instead by faith and God’s power. In this comforting and wise book, Trillia Newbell reminds us why we can trust God and holds out a vision for life defined by this kind of trust—fearing God rather than our feelings, fears, and fellow travelers. She writes like a sister who knows us and cares enough to share her own hope.
Amy Simpson Author of Anxious: Choosing Faith in a World of Worry
Trillia Newbell, one of the most joy-filled people I know, bares her struggles with fear and the well-worn path she’s found to faith. Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones said, “Have you realized that most of your unhappiness in life is due to the fact that you are listening to yourself instead of talking to yourself?” Trillia teaches the path from fear to faith is through steady gospel preaching to ourselves, using scripture, story, and the Savior as lights on the way. As a chronic fearer, I was as much encouraged by Fear and Faith, as I have been by Trillia’s obvious and overflowing joy: products of one who has wrestled and won the greatest treasure of all.
Lore Ferguson Writer, thinker, and tinkerer at sayable.net
Fear has been a companion much of my life, robbing me of much joy. In Fear and Faith, Trillia gently and compassionately explores fears common to many women and points fearful hearts to the One who has set us free from all fear–our Lord Jesus Christ. If you’ve ever known fear in your life, you must read Fear and Faith.
Christina Fox Licensed mental health counselor, writer, and blogger at www.toshowthemjesus.com.
Simply trust God. That sounds nice and looks so sweet in cross stitch, but when fear and anxiety hit like a tidal wave, trusting God isn’t always easy. Like most women (dare I say all of us?) I know what it’s like to wrestle with fear. But Trillia’s message is that fear doesn’t have to pin us to the mat. In a style that is helpful, conversational, and deeply rooted in God’s Word, Trillia gives real, meaningful hope to the fearful. Every woman needs this book!
Erin Davis Author, speaker, blogger.