An Interview with Melissa Kruger

Over the past few years, I have had the joy of meeting and interacting with several women writers from around the globe. They are all so unique and gifted and yet have one thing in common-– a love for God and His word. I had initially thought I’d name the series “New Voices” but as I thought about all the women I’d love to feature, “new” didn’t necessarily fit their description. Rather than keeping it narrow, I’m excited to begin a series of interviews that will feature women who write.

Today, we welcome Melissa Kruger to the site. Melissa is a wife, mom, women’s ministry leader, author, and currently launched a website, Wit’s End.

What do you do day-to-day?

Kruger: I’m a wife and mom, and I work on staff in women’s ministry at my church (Uptown PCA). I also write for various publications and speak at conferences a few times throughout the year.  My newest role is trying to keep our puppy Gus entertained and walked on a regular basis.

When did you discover you enjoyed writing?

When I was in high school, I read a devotional book that encouraged journaling for a week.  I didn’t know what to write about, so I began writing out my prayers to God each day. That one-week experiment began a daily habit of writing that has continued for over twenty-five years.

Why do you write?

Most of my writing is relational.  All the Bible studies I’ve written were for friends as we studied the Word together.  The Envy of Eve came from a talk I gave to the women of our church, which originated from a Bible study I wrote on the book of Joshua. I wrote Walking with God in the Season of Motherhood for a friend who was pregnant with her first baby. For me, it’s like preparing a home-cooked meal for the people I love.  Through writing, I hope to gather with friends to sit and savor the truths of God, tasting together the goodness of the Lord.  My writing may be done in moments of solitude, but it flows out of time spent in community.

When do you find time to write?

Writing is a daily part of my time with the Lord each morning, but my public writing happens in the nooks and crannies of my day.  Sometimes the thoughts filling my mind while I’m washing dishes at the sink finally have to come out and I force myself to sit down and write.

You also lead the women’s ministry at your church, yes? If so, how does that work affect your writing or does it?

Working on staff at my church affords me the opportunity to meet with women in a variety of life stages, as well as participate in a variety of ministry endeavors of the church. These interactions shape and inform the issues I write about on a regular basis.

What are some areas of need you see in women’s ministry?

We need women who are trained and equipped to teach other women. I would love to see more women attending seminary and more churches finding creative ways to support them in their efforts.

How can women encourage other women in the local church?

The greatest encouragement for me is sharing in the word and prayer together as a community.  When I ask a friend, “How can I be praying for you?” or “What are you learning about God?” immediately our discussions transform into encouraging and substantive conversations.

Are you currently working on a project? If so, what is it called?

I just finished my second book, Walking with God in the Season of Motherhood.  It’s an eleven-week devotional guide for moms, in hopes of bringing moms into the Word in manageable amounts each day.

Why is this topic important to you?

We live in an overly pressured and perfectionistic mom culture these days.  There are so many good activities available to do with our children and so many sources of information, that we spend a lot of time overwhelmed and wearied in our attempts to live up to our own version of the perfect mom. In contrast, Jesus invites us to come to Him and find rest for our souls.  As He shapes and fashions us to look more like Christ, our homes becomes places of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  I hope to encourage moms (and myself) that the best gift we can give our children is developing our own relationship with the Lord – loving Him with all our heart, soul, and strength.

Briefly share how you came to know Christ?

I grew up going to church with my family every week.  When I started high school, my older brother kept inviting me to FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes).  I finally got over my shyness and began attending the meetings. As I listened to speakers and studied the Bible, God opened my eyes to my own need for salvation and the good news of the Gospel.

When you get discouraged is there a favorite Scripture you turn to?

The passage that has been the greatest encouragement to me over the past two years is Isaiah 58:11:  “And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.” Isn’t that a beautiful picture of God bringing redemption in the midst of ruins? He doesn’t remove us from scorched places and difficult circumstances, but He satisfies us and makes us full of life in the midst of them.

What is your message to women?

In Jesus we have everything that matters.

Just for fun; what is your favorite leisure activity?

I like to do too many things! I enjoy reading historical biographies (currently reading about the Romanov daughters), cooking scones on Saturday mornings, solving logic puzzles (I used to teach high school math), throwing a Frisbee with my husband, and my new favorite activity is growing vegetables in my garden.




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