Enjoy Those Babies

I would never describe myself as a mommy blogger. I love them though. I love that they are writing about the wonders and trials of motherhood. Though I’m not a mommy blogger I do have a desire for moms, like me, to enjoy these years. They are hard. I cry at times wondering how I will make it through a day. But when my soul calms and I get a glimpse of those little eyes looking back at me, I get it. I stop and I know that God is pleased with me. God isn’t pleased with me because I’m a perfect mom–I’m not–He is pleased with me because of His son. Perhaps you thought I’d say that I look at my kids eyes and I know they are pleased. I’m not living for them. I’m living for my Savior and knowing that He is pleased is all I need to know as I seek to raise my kids.

Here are a few mom posts that I have written:

I’m a loser momERLC

The Amazing Calling of Being “Mom” Desiring God

Our Children for Our Joy Desiring God

The Life of a Devotional Mother The Gospel Coalition

When Mother’s Day is Hard The Gospel Coalition




A Glimpse of “United” through “Glimpses of Grace”


Halloween Proves We Need to Keep Talking About Race