A Glimpse of “United” through “Glimpses of Grace”

Writing a book involves so much more than merely writing.  To be sure, physically writing United took up the majority of my time and prayers over the past year. But there are extra tasks I was unaware I’d need to do like: ask people to “endorse” United, think through launching it, and today, travel to shoot a book trailer. Yes, a trailer—similar to a movie but for a book.

I’ve seen the creative direction for the trailer and I must say that I am excited. United is dedicated to my children. My dedication says in part that I hope one day they’ll be surprised that their mom wrote a book about the beauty of diversity in friendships and within the church. They would be surprised because diversity in those contexts is widespread. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream that black and white children would be playing together in public spaces. I continue his theme and pray that children of all shades of God’s beautiful creation would one day worship together. I pray the vision of all nations together worshiping and enjoying fellowship would be commonplace by the time my children are older. The trailer will most likely capture this vision.

Would you pray for me as I shoot this video? And if you are like me and had no idea what a book trailer would look like until I started this process, please enjoy a glimpse of what it is through my friend, Gloria Furman’s, book trailer for her wonderful book Glimpses of Grace.




During the Holidays, My Hope Comes from the Lord


Enjoy Those Babies