Is the World against You?

There are times when I’ve felt like nothing was going quite right. Relationships seemed hard and strained. Sickness wrecked my body and plans. And my mind had to fight hard to remember God’s goodness.

In that fight to remember God’s goodness, I’d rehearse Paul’s rhetorical question in Romans 8: “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (8:31).

A rhetorical question is a question asked in order to create a dramatic effect. It makes a point, rather than seeking an answer.

In this verse and the verses that follow, it’s almost as if Paul is saying, “Come on, look at all the Lord has done. Taste and see. Believe. If he did this, then why in the world wouldn’t you believe him, trust him, and rest in him?

God is “for us” means God is on our side. He is working on our behalf. God is working all things together for good.

If this is true, then who can be against us?

Listen to more of my reflections on The World and Everything In It:




I Can’t Save My Children


The “If God Is For Us” online study begins this week! Here’s some FAQs