I Can’t Save My Children

The pressure to try to save my children is off. I can’t. There’s nothing I can do to make them believe.

But what I can do is faithfully speak the truth—and live it out before them. I can answer God’s call to train up children in the way they should go (Prov. 22:6). I can wait patiently for Him to work.

It’s hard not to fear. But what I have come to rest in is that God is deeply invested in my children. He knit them together in my womb. He cares for them more than me. And my heart rests in knowing that not one prayer for my children goes unheard.

I share more about what I’ve learned and am learning about raising my little lads in this World Radio segment: https://worldandeverything.org/2019/04/trillia-newbell-bringing-up-believers/




My future self does thank me and other updates


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