Jesus Loves Me…’Cause the Bible Tells Me So

“Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so.” Do you remember singing this as a young child? I do. I didn’t understand a single word of it at the time, except that someone named Jesus must love a lot of people. It wouldn’t be until the age of 22 that I understood that this love meant death, his death.  And that part of receiving and understanding fully his love meant my death and new life.  It is a rich truth but what I missed then I know now: Jesus loves me this I know because the Bible tells me so.

Blogger and author, Trevin Wax, posted an excerpt to a book where the authors list Scripture references and promises about who they are in Christ.  My faith was stirred and I was deeply encouraged as read through the short list of promises. There wasn’t anything in it that was profound or even new to me, except that accompanying the list was Scripture references. It was a fresh reminder to me that I can believe these truths about who I am in Christ because it is in his Holy Scriptures.

What does this mean?

It means that it doesn’t matter what others tell me about who I am in Christ. It isn’t confirmed because of my favorite author’s opinion or knowledge. It isn’t because I think so. It isn’t because of a clever tweet that tells me so. It isn’t because Trillia is writing a blog post highlighting it. Who I am in Christ doesn’t depend on me, how feel, how I’m doing, what I’m doing, what I’m not doing.

All we are in Christ, all we know about Christ, all the Good News we could ever hear is in his Word for us! It is objective Truth that we can trust and rely on. It doesn’t change with the wind, it is constant, consistent, and so is his love.

But please don’t take my word for it. Open up His Word and see for yourself. You won’t regret it.




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