New Book: Celebrating Around The Table

Explore the Stories, Food, and Faith of Black Christians
Your family is invited to learn more about the accomplishments and adversities of twelve noteworthy African American believers, including Frederick Douglass, Elizabeth Freeman, Harriet Tubman, and some others you don’t know but should.
Celebrating Around the Table offers you a new and refreshing resource to help you lead your family and friends in a rich exploration of Black history a the faith we all can share.
You and I likely love God and love His Word and we desire to grow in love of God and His Word. I have had seasons of Spirit-filled, worshipful, and consistent times in the Word and seasons when reading has felt like a duty rather than a joy and delight. We all find ourselves struggling from time to time to read the Bible and interpret it correctly. And here’s the good news, that’s okay. Not only is it okay, it’s great. We want to know Him! I wrote 52 Weeks in the Word to help us learn to be consistent and feel the freedom to return when we aren't. The goal of this book isn’t to win some race or prize; we don’t earn more favor before the Lord. The goal is Bible reading…
Join us as we fix our eyes on the One who sustains us and keeps us. I can’t wait to study the Bible with you!
Do you believe that you must avenge yourself? Many of us do, whether we use those terms or not. It’s why we react the way we do when we are wronged by others. God calls us to a radical love that includes loving our perceived enemies. We won’t do it perfectly, but by the grace and power of God we can do more good than harm. We can strive to live peaceably with all no matter what the cost and no matter what they’ve done or who they are.
’m excited to share a new book with you! My dear friend, Kristie Anyabwile, had a desire to gather a diverse group of women together to create a devotional study on Psalm 119. And My Testimonies, His Heritage was born. I’m grateful to be one of the contributors!
I’d love for you to check out this video of Kristie sharing her heart behind the book.
Two weeks ago today I was getting prepped for an unexpected surgery and after some prayer, I’ve decided it’s okay to share more.
Inquisitive and tender, vivacious and loyal—that is how I’d describe my son and daughter respectively. They’re both intelligent and fun, undoubtedly two of the greatest gifts the Lord has given my husband and me…
My mind struggles to understand slavery. I can’t imagine what it must have been like to wake up chained—metaphorically or literally—and owned by another human being. When my mind goes there, when I allow myself to try to put my feet in a slave’s shoes, I all but fall down in sorrow…
Suggestion: read Ephesians 2 — I was dead. I was dead and by God’s grace he brought me to himself. I’m not talking about a physical death, obviously. I’m talking about a spiritual death—one we will all find ourselves in at some point.
My husband and I had two broken engagements before we were married. Yes, two. I was young and immature. I thought I needed to live it up a bit longer when really what I needed was Jesus. I wasn’t a Christian and neither was he. But my Thern continually pursued me. He never held my sin against me. He lavished care and sometimes, even gifts on me. But it wouldn’t be until the Lord sought me and saved me before I would marry this man I have loved now for over 15 years…
Your family is invited to learn more about the accomplishments and adversities of twelve noteworthy African American believers, including Frederick Douglass, Elizabeth Freeman, Harriet Tubman, and some others you don’t know but should.