Never “Arrive”

As I’ve highlighted on the blog, I’m currently teaching a Bible study on Ephesians at my local church. It has been such a joy but last week might have been one of the sweetest. Instead of doing a devotional, I wanted to share with you one thing one woman shared with all of us during that time.

The longer I walk with the Lord, the more I realize how much I don’t know. Perhaps that seems backwards, but the more I study, the more I realize that the depths of God’s Word and his character are inexhaustible. In many ways, I join Paul in proclaiming, “Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!” (Rom 11:33). We will be searching the depths for eternity! This had been on my mind and heart for the past few weeks, and then Ms. Anna confirmed what I felt the Lord had been stirring in my own heart.

She told us that when she was young, she prayed to the Lord: “Keep me teachable.” What is wonderful about Anna is she is living out that prayer and the Lord is answering it. She is nearly twice my age and yet is learning from this youngster. She was also teaching us through the discussion. Women hear Titus 2 preached at them quite a bit, that older women should teach younger women. I learned more from Anna’s example of humility, grace, and wisdom last Tuesday night that no amount of advice about being a good wife could replace. Advice is good, but the example of a life well-lived plus hearing biblical teaching is irreplaceable.

It could be tempting to think that one day we might “arrive,” and if we think we have, we will miss out on the wonderful joys of learning and being taught. May we never be puffed up because of our knowledge (1 Cor 8:1). My prayer for you and me is that the Lord would keep us teachable all the days of our lives.




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