Podcasting and a Writing Challenge

United? We Pray

 United? We Pray is a podcast that calls for prayer about racial divisions in churches. I’m honored to join my friend Isaac Adams as we dive in to various topics related to race and, most important, pray together about these topics. We want to encourage Christians who are laboring to see racial unity and justice to join us.

God has limitless wisdom and strength, but we do not, and the trials and complexities of race and racism often challenge our capabilities to think and act in redemptive, effective ways. Yet we do have a powerful resource available to us—prayer. In the Bible, when people realized their limitations, they usually prayed. They prayed to the God who can do more than any of us can imagine (Eph. 3:20), the God who commands his children to cast their anxieties upon him because he cares for us (1 Pet. 5:7) the God who is more eager to give than we are to receive.

You can learn more at the website praypod.com or go straight to iTunes to listen:  https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/united-we-pray/id1289500755?mt=2.

Listen in every other Wednesday.

ERLC Podcast “How to Handle” Series

The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (where I work) has a podcast that typically features talks from conferences. I decided to change it up for a season to include a series called “How to Handle” We live in a world where issues arise in the news and culture daily. Behind every issue, however, is a person—a person made in the image of God. This new ERLC Podcast series, “How to Handle,” will tackle tough issues for today with the hopes of equipping the church to address the topic, help those struggling with sin and temptation, and care for those who may have been or could be harmed. Every week I will be joined by a guest who is knowledgeable in the area as we explore ways to handle each issue.

You can access it here: https://erlc.com/resource-library/podcasts/recently-added

Listen in every Monday.

Writing Challenge

Perhaps you’ve heard of NaNoWrMo—or National Novel Writing Month. It’s a fiction-writing challenge in which writers take the month of November to churn out 50,000 words—yes, 50,000 words! Because I’m always up for a challenge and I have a long list of writing projects I need to complete, I’m joining some friends to take the challenge! But because I am not a novelist and I don’t desire to be one, I am concentrating my efforts on a new book project (can’t wait to share more!), a Bible study (yes, the Lord has given me the opportunity to write a Bible study—more soon!), and smaller projects that must be completed.

Here’s my plan: instead of setting a goal I must hit each day, I am logging my daily word count with the goal of writing 50,000 by the end of the November. I might set an individual daily goal simply to keep myself on track, but the main goal is that total at the end of the month. Each Monday I’ll check in with my friends to let them know how I’m doing.

Want to join us? You can either sign in at the official NaNoWrMo site or, if you’d like to take up the challenge with me and my friends, simply check in here each Monday for writing encouragement and short update from me. Write a comment and let me know how you are doing.

Hope you’ll listen in on the podcasts and join me as I take off on a writing adventure this November!




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