A new devotional study by Kristie Anyabwile and friends!
Bible Study, Updates Trillia Newbell Bible Study, Updates Trillia Newbell

A new devotional study by Kristie Anyabwile and friends!

’m excited to share a new book with you! My dear friend, Kristie Anyabwile, had a desire to gather a diverse group of women together to create a devotional study on Psalm 119. And My Testimonies, His Heritage was born. I’m grateful to be one of the contributors!

I’d love for you to check out this video of Kristie sharing her heart behind the book.

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Catching Up and Looking Forward
Updates Trillia Newbell Updates Trillia Newbell

Catching Up and Looking Forward

I looked at my calendar today and gasped at the reality that not only is December almost over; 2018 is right around the corner. I know this happens every year, and yet every year I’m taken by surprise. Today I thought I’d catch you up on a few things I’ve been doing and invite you to join me or listen in. But first I want to share some exciting news.

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Podcasting and a Writing Challenge
Trillia Newbell Trillia Newbell

Podcasting and a Writing Challenge

Over the past month, I’ve enjoyed a new-to-me outlet for sharing and encouraging the church: podcasts. This fall and winter I have the joy of participating in not one, but two of these. Here’s more about both—plus a little info about a challenge I’ll be taking in November.

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Aging, Aches, and Our Glorious Hope
Trillia Newbell Trillia Newbell

Aging, Aches, and Our Glorious Hope

Tomorrow I will be one year older. One year closer to the big 4-0. To some, I’m still quite young, and for others, I’m ancient. But for me, I’m just achy…

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Moving, Questions Series, England, and a Kids’ book
Trillia Newbell Trillia Newbell

Moving, Questions Series, England, and a Kids’ book

A few weeks ago, I mentioned a new series centered around questions that I’ll be launching on the site. I’m excited about the series. I think it will be an interesting time of reflection and answering everyday questions. But in the midst of moving and travel, I’m going to have to postpone that little series…

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Information Overload and An Update
Trillia Newbell Trillia Newbell

Information Overload and An Update

My kids are on spring break this week, which means my time and attention have been occupied by laughter, silliness, and breaking up fights. It’s been good to have them home. And it’s been good for me to be home and enjoy an extended time of rest and play (I even got a fake nose ring!). This time has also caused me to be less aware of what is going on in the media, social media, well, any media! I can’t keep up with it all and keep up with my kids too. What I’ve also seen in my heart is increased joy and peace. I don’t think these two things (my lack of attention to various media and my increase in joy) are disconnected…

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Stewardship, Stories, and You
Personal Trillia Newbell Personal Trillia Newbell

Stewardship, Stories, and You

At the beginning of the year, there are many of my friends who choose a word that they hope will be “their” word for the year. Words like: gratitude, peace, balance, and flourish. They then spend the year thinking about the word, if I understand correctly, trying to experience the word or even be motivated by the word. I, obviously, have never chosen a word for the year—except, I think, I’ve discovered that this year a word chose me. Throughout the first seven months of the year, I’ve had a renewed conviction and desire to think about stewardship and specifically stewardship in writing.

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Regular Guest on Moody Radio
Updates Trillia Newbell Updates Trillia Newbell

Regular Guest on Moody Radio

I’m excited to share some news with you. I have been invited to be a regular guest on Moody Radio’s morning show in Chicago. I’ll be sharing about issues and topics that are important to women. These topics will vary from current events and news to general interest and issues…

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A Look at This Week and Beyond
Personal Trillia Newbell Personal Trillia Newbell

A Look at This Week and Beyond

It’s 2015. Can you believe it? I’ve been told that as you age time seems to speed up. Last year flew by (as we say every year around this time. ;)). And though it’s always good to reflect on the days gone by, I’m eager to move forward. So, today I’d like to share a little blog news with you and what’s in the plans for this week and this year.

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Thank You!
Personal Trillia Newbell Personal Trillia Newbell

Thank You!

Warning—I’m overjoyed and overwhelmed so please excuse my stream of consciousness as I also attempt to say a hearty THANK YOU!

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A Podcast, Lack of Knowledge, and Knowing Christ
Trillia Newbell Trillia Newbell

A Podcast, Lack of Knowledge, and Knowing Christ

In April, I had the opportunity to be a guest on the Mortification of Spin with Carl Trueman, Todd Pruitt, and Aimee Byrd to talk about diversity and the church. It was a great time and they have just posted a link to the podcast (hope you’ll take a listen). In the beginning, they admit that it isn’t a topic that they’ve explored. I was encouraged by their honesty and thoughtful questions. One question stood out to me, though, and as I listened back I remembered why. Trueman began asking me questions about the Black Church. As I listened then and now I’m struck once again by how much I just don’t know. In the interview, I admitted I have no idea but then proceeded to give him a great resource that I pray will benefit him and the whole church: The Front Porch.

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Guess Who’s Invited to Dinner?
Personal Trillia Newbell Personal Trillia Newbell

Guess Who’s Invited to Dinner?

In the 1967 movie Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, Joanna “Joey” Drayton, a young white woman played by Katharine Houghton, brings her black boy friend, Dr. John Prentice, played by Sidney Poitier, home to meet her family. Though the parents raised Joanna to be “liberal” and “accepting” they do not approve of her desire to marry Dr. Prentice. The movie was radical for that day—so I’d think. But not so fast. Today we continue to grapple with the same questions and issues.

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New Role at The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission
Writing, Personal, Updates Trillia Newbell Writing, Personal, Updates Trillia Newbell

New Role at The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission

Yesterday it was announced that I am joining Dr. Russell Moore’s team as the consultant for women’s initiatives for the ERLC. I am honored to be among five newly announced staff members, you can read more about that here. Dr. Moore addresses serious, delicate, and often complicated issues and topics affecting today’s society, church, and government with great thoughtfulness and grace. I have the utmost respect for him…

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HomeLife Magazine Culture Column
Updates Trillia Newbell Updates Trillia Newbell

HomeLife Magazine Culture Column

You’ve probably heard the tune and if you’re like me, you only really know one line: “It’s the end of the world as we know it.” I am unaware of the message of the entire song, but I do know that when I look out at the landscape of our culture I can begin to think, it’s the end of the world as we know it. If we set our gaze on the world we will surely be discouraged. But when we look through the lens of the Bible we can begin to understand, if even slightly, why things are this way. We can begin to develop a biblical worldview regarding culture and society.

In 2014 Lifeway’s HomeLife Magazine will begin featuring a culture column written by me. The short column will focus on the issues and topics that face our culture today such as tragedies and our response, racial reconciliation, abortion, sex, marriage, friendship and more. I’m praying that the column would encourage the HomeLife readers and spark new conversations…

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United Has a Cover and Other Updates
United, Personal Trillia Newbell United, Personal Trillia Newbell

United Has a Cover and Other Updates

Earlier this year I shared the news that I would be writing a book about friendship, diversity, and the church. The book is called United: Captured by God’s Vision for Diversityand I am now in the final stages of the editorial process. To be honest, I’m not sure that editorial process is the proper terminology. One thing I have learned quickly is that writing a book isn’t just about writing! Here’s what I do know, it’s finished!..

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Reflections from My Time in “The Third Most Miserable City in America”
Personal Trillia Newbell Personal Trillia Newbell

Reflections from My Time in “The Third Most Miserable City in America”

The town is Rockford, Illinois and Bob Bixby, pastor of Morning Star Church located in the heart of the city, introduced it to me as “the third most miserable city in America.” This weekend I had the honor to speak with women from the Chicagoland area and beyond at The Grace and Truth Conference in the reportedly depressed town. The pastors and their wives were gracious and hospitable. I had been praying that the Lord would bless this weekend, and as He always does, His grace and kindness far surpassed what I could have imagined…

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A New Role at CBMW
Personal, Updates Trillia Newbell Personal, Updates Trillia Newbell

A New Role at CBMW

Over the past few months I have been working behind the scenes with Owen Strachan, Brandon Smith and Courtney Reissig to develop a new Women’s Channel for the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. I’m excited to be the lead Editor of the Channel with Courtney as the assistant Editor. Courtney has been a joy and blessing to get to work with already and we haven’t even launched! We are having a blast working together!

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