A Beautiful Picture of Diversity: Children Participating in ‘United’ Shoot
United Trillia Newbell United Trillia Newbell

A Beautiful Picture of Diversity: Children Participating in ‘United’ Shoot

A few months ago, Bollinger Productions filmed my portion of the promo video for United. Last week, the crew organized another shoot with children of various ethnicities to highlight the last chapter of my book, “For Our Kids”. United is dedicated to my children. My hope is, when they are older, they would wonder why their mom wrote a book about diversity in the local church and the beauty of diversity in friendship, because it would be so commonplace…

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Halloween Proves We Need to Keep Talking About Race
Trillia Newbell Trillia Newbell

Halloween Proves We Need to Keep Talking About Race

I knew that Halloween brought out the weird and creepy but I forgot that it also brings out the ignorant. I’m giving those who dress up like “blackface” the benefit of the doubt by using the word ignorant rather than racist. But then, there are some who are clearly both…

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Black Women, Media, and Glory
Personal Trillia Newbell Personal Trillia Newbell

Black Women, Media, and Glory

I don’t watch much television, I enjoy movies. What I thought would be a fad that would soon move on seems to be here to stay—reality TV. My husband and I were on a reality show called Grounds for Improvement on the DIY channel. Our deck needed remodeling and found out through friends the show would be in our area so we applied. They came to our home and rebuilt our deck. The hours were long, the work was hard and much of what we did never got aired…

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I Pledge Allegiance to My Blackness
Politics Trillia Newbell Politics Trillia Newbell

I Pledge Allegiance to My Blackness

I remember when I first heard Barack Obama had won the presidency of the United States. I was thrilled. The first Black President of the United States. I thought about how proud my father would have been if he were alive. I thought about the men and women who fought so hard to make that day possible. Though I knew much of our political ideology did not align, I was genuinely excited…

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Could I Become Like A Pigeon in a Hole?
Personal Trillia Newbell Personal Trillia Newbell

Could I Become Like A Pigeon in a Hole?

I was speaking with a friend about the potential for being pigeon-holed as the black woman who talks about black “issues.” You know, topics like race, racial reconciliation, diversity, anything that you may associate with being an African American. Actually, that wasn’t the first time I have had that conversation. Another dear friend issued some advice in the same regard…

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African Americans and “Big God” Theology
Trillia Newbell Trillia Newbell

African Americans and “Big God” Theology

A few Sundays ago I participated in one of the most memorable worship services of my life. Pastor Mike Campbell of Redeemer Church in Jackson, MS preached a biblically sound and passionate sermon on Titus 2:11-14 to a mixed congregation of hundreds of White and Black believers in a visible demonstration of what he called “Big God” theology…

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Reformed African American Network: An Interview with Phillip Holmes and Jemar Tisby
Diversity Trillia Newbell Diversity Trillia Newbell

Reformed African American Network: An Interview with Phillip Holmes and Jemar Tisby

You’ve most likely heard the term “young, restless and reformed.” It was first coined by author and Editor Collin Hansen’s book of the same name: Young, Restless, and Reformed: A Journalist’s Journey with the New Calvinists. The crowd is known as the New Calvinist made up of young men zealous to revitalize Reformed Theology and restless for God. Hiding in the background, quietly working to encourage the faith of their brothers and sisters in-Christ, have been two young, restless, and reformed African American men who are eager to share resources with their community…

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