Could I Become Like A Pigeon in a Hole?

I was speaking with a friend about the potential for being pigeon-holed as the black woman who talks about black “issues.” You know, topics like race, racial reconciliation, diversity, anything that you may associate with being an African American. Actually, that wasn’t the first time I have had that conversation. Another dear friend issued some advice in the same regard.

As I’ve thought about it more I can definitely see how this would be a valid concern. I don’t want people to associate me by the color of my skin—only. I want those who read my work to think of Jesus. I hope God is the centerpiece of any article I write. My desire would be that I would be thought of first as a woman redeemed by the blood of the Lamb and then what comes after that matters not to me.

And if you ever get a chance to read my articles you will quickly notice I write about a broad range of topics from secular and faith feature stories for my local paper to trusting God through suffering.

But what if the only voice you ever hear is that of a black woman talking about events, stories, faith and the like as it pertains to the black experience? I could only hope that I could be one of those voices. What a privilege it is to speak and write about what God has done in my heart and how God can move in our nation and in our churches from my perspective as a black woman. What an honor it is to get to speak and write about my community.

Though I do not fear being typecast, I am fully aware of the possibility and I embrace it. If all I do for the rest of my short life is speak about the issues and topics that pertain to the African American experience and with that God moves in the heart of even one person—then I am thankful for that chance.

But I think you’ll be hearing more from me.




An Exciting Announcement!


Racial Reconciliation: What’s Love Got to Do With It?