Thank You!

Warning—I’m overjoyed and overwhelmed so please excuse my stream of consciousness as I also attempt to say a hearty THANK YOU!

This has been quite an unexpected year. The Lord has been faithful and good—like He always is—throughout a season of ups and downs and rollercoaster emotions. It’s so good to remember He is the same yesterday, today, and will be tomorrow. He has given me a ministry that I never asked for (to be honest) and I never expected (at all!). And I couldn’t be more grateful for it—for Him! God has revealed Himself to me in new ways this year and strengthened me in ways I never imagined. I’ve also been humbled by Him—by His goodness and grace—and have realized more weaknesses and temptations to be self-sufficient. It’s been good. It’s been very good.

Through this unexpected ministry of writing and speaking, I’ve gotten to meet so many of you. You’ve emailed me, called me, found me on social media, shared struggles, shared victories, and even corrected me. It has been a joy to meet people who are reading my articles and my book United. I’ve had the opportunity to travel to places I wouldn’t have guessed two years ago I’d be speaking at and you’ve been incredibly hospitable and attentive. Each place has been wonderful. Truly, and that’s a result of God’s grace.

Yesterday, I returned from a trip and was filled with an overwhelming sense of joy and thanksgiving. I realized that I am at the end of a crazy busy year and I’m overwhelmed (ht: Kevin DeYoung. Ha.) I realized today that I’m not overwhelmed because I’m weary (I’ve been weary throughout the year) and I’m not overwhelmed because I’m tired (praise the Lord!), I’m overwhelmed by God’s faithfulness and kindness to this weak sinner. I’m overwhelmed because you, my few readers, have been so encouraging and steadfast. Thank you!

One more thing—writing about race isn’t easy. I wasn’t prepared for how tough it would be for me personally. What I wish I could do, though, is post every personal note I’ve received, every pastor’s prayer for their congregation, every mom’s desire for her interracial child. Guys, the Lord did something this year through a really short simple book that I couldn’t have imagined. I’m not going to be on a best-sellers list and I know that I’m continuing to learn to master this wonderful craft of writing. But one thing I am certain of, the Lord used United to help encourage, challenge, and inspire people and for that I’m so grateful. So grateful. So honored. To God be the glory and honor! He is amazing!

Thank you! Thank you for reading. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for loving the Lord and for letting me challenge you to love others.

Okay, just had to get that out of my head and onto this screen. I am thankful!

Your friend,





Why I think the Christian ought to care about race ‘issues’


Our Interracial Marriage and the Gospel