Things I “Like”

Before I jump into a few things I like, I thought it would be good to share something that might seem obvious to you: I am writing again! Actually, I’ve never stopped writing. I’ve been writing a lot actually. I have almost finished a book project and I’ve been writing every month for Tabletalk and HomeLife magazines. I’ve been writing for other sites as well but as my speaking has increased, my work at the ERLC has continued to grow and change, and as I’ve concentrated much of my writing on my book, I’ve spent less time writing articles and blog posts. But that’s changing and I’m excited!

And in case you’ve missed it, I’ve already been writing on my blog! I spent the past couple of weeks reflecting on some topics, including: On Being a “Serious” Christian, My Superstitious Faith , That one time I didn’t pay it forward, and 5 Reasons I don’t share about my kids’ faith. If you have a minute, I’d love for you to check out those articles and please do share your thoughts!

Now to those things I like

My dear friend, Catherine Parks, is doing a series on her blog called Good Gifts. I loved the idea so figured why not start my own sort of Good Gifts-series. This will likely be in the form of links to articles that I’ve read and found interesting, useful, or encouraging. But today I have a variety of things to share that I like.

So, let’s get started.

  1. The Granddad at Dadcraft

Have you heard of Dadcraft? It’s a new website developed by a few men I admire. I’ll let their site speak for them, so do go visit their About Me page. But in short, it’s a site to encourage men about fatherhood. Full disclosure, one of the writers is not only my literary agent, he’s also a dear friend. But he didn’t and wouldn’t ask me to share about their site. It really has been a joy to read over—and, yes, I’m a mom, not a dad!

But if you need a place to start, may I encourage you to read this wonderfully insightful and encouraging post by the oldest dude on the Dadcraft block? “Bathtime Reflections” by Dan Wolgemuth takes us young bucks into the world of an older, experienced father and the lessons he continues to learn about enjoying children. Let it encourage you to slow down and maybe even begin a water fight during bathtime.

2. Boasting Only in the Cross-video!

Most of us have likely heard of the pastor, theologian, author, and father John Piper and his popular book, Don’t Waste Your Life. But did you know that one of the messages that inspired the book is on video? I had no idea until a Facebook friend posted it.

Here’s a taste of the beginning: “You don’t have to know a lot of things for your life to make a lasting difference in the world. But you do have to know the few great things that matter, and then be willing to live for them and die for them.” I don’t know about you, but that alone makes the video worth a watch. Be encouraged as you reflect on the greatness of Jesus.

3. Owlegories

I had the opportunity to be a part of a project that I hope to write more about soon. But for now, if you are looking for a way to share truth with your children, you may have found your resource! My kids have loved watching these biblical stories played out through creative animation. Go ahead and check them out!

4. His Loving Law Our Lasting Legacy 

One of my little people recently asked me a question about the Ten Commandments, which led to a discussion about idols. When the conversation was over, I remembered that I had a book about the topic that might prove helpful for future conversations. I’m so excited about Jani Ortlund’s book and think it will be quite beneficial. I’ve already been encouraged to love God’s Word and His law and love the gospel all the more. Perhaps you’d benefit too: His Loving Law Our Lasting Legacy: Living the Ten Commandments and Giving Them to Our Children.

Those are a few of my favorite things this week. I hope you will check back in again soon to read the latest!






Let’s Pray Together


On Being a “Serious” Christian