Let’s Pray Together

The greatest benefit of prayer, of course, is that we have the privilege to participate in communion with God. But I’m so grateful for those many opportunities I’ve had to speak to God and fellowship with others. That’s why I’d like to invite you to join me in praying this summer. If you need a guide to help you along the way, I’d like to also recommend a new book Praying Together by Megan Hill.

Hill’s book will inform your prayer life. What do I mean by inform, you ask? This isn’t a “how to” book, although she does share practical tips. It is a book filled with biblical explanations, foundations, and examples for why we pray. In her own words, “And so this book about praying together must begin with the foundational reality that prayer is an activity of relationship: God and us, God and God, all of us and our God.”[i] We are invited to pray together because “In praying together, we nurture our relationship with other Christians, uniting our hearts even as we unite our voices (Acts 4:24).”[ii] I have found this to be true in my life.

The good news about praying together is it doesn’t have to be complicated. So, here’s some suggestions:

  1. Find a friend (or two or three) and pick some dates to pray together.

  2. Turn your summer book club or Bible study into a time of praying together at the end.

  3. Set up a prayer time over Skype.

  4. Open your Bible and explore what the Word says about prayer.

  5. Grab Megan Hill’s book for a bit of inspiration, instruction, and encouragement: Praying Together

  6. Pray!!

“Our Father”

It’s astonishing to me that we can say those words, “Our Father.” God is holy and awesome in every way and yet He is also our Father, who not only welcomes us to speak to him, but also invites us to. Prayer is an essential to the Christian life and a discipline that I have not only enjoyed, but have benefited from greatly. My prayer for you is that you, too, would experience the joys of praying together in your context.

“The Father’s desire to hear the prayers of his children is so radical that he says, ‘Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear’ (Isa. 65:24).”[iv]

p.s. Every week throughout the summer I’ll be posting a short prayer. Check back in if you would like to pray weekly prayer with me.

[i] Pg. 1

[ii] Pg. 27

[iii] Pg. 19

[iv] Pg. 23




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