A God Who is For Us Now

I have had the opportunity to write several articles during this tough time and I hope to share those soon. But today I wanted to send you a link to a video Moody Publishers asked me to record for all of us. My friends who know me well, know that I have endured various hard trials. The Lord has been faithful in those times. So, when Moody Publishers asked me to encourage us during this time I went to Romans 8. This is not some encouragement to be happy or pretend like nothing is happening. My desire is that we’d remember a Person not a concept. Our Hope is Jesus and my prayer is that this word encourages you as you endure–remembering that God is for you and will never leave you.

Know that I am praying for all of us as we experience this trial.




A Personal Update: Joining the team at Moody Publishers!


A Time to Pray