God’s grace to convict

Recently, I spoke at a high school about loving your neighbor who is not like you. It was so much fun and completely chaotic. The lights went out–all electricity lost. I was screaming to 200 students about Jesus’s command to love. It was hilarious.

But they listened and were responsive and just so great. But then at the end something unexpected happened.The principal of the school came up to me and said, “I’m convicted. That convicted my heart. I am a racist against (a certain people group). I have a lot of work to do.” He continued to share more. I told him it was God’s kindness that he’d reveal that and thanked him for confessing. God can work miracles with the lights completely out, when it seems like a complete disaster. God doesn’t need the lights to work! God uses whatever He desires to work good in the world and in us. Also, God can change hearts. Let’s have hope for others (and ourselves) that He can change us! He can. He does.

If we confess our sin he is faithful and just to forgive us and purify us. (1 John: 1:9)




A Time to Pray


Introducing Our Kids to the Kids of the Civil Rights Era