A New Role at CBMW

Over the past few months I have been working behind the scenes with Owen Strachan, Brandon Smith and Courtney Reissig to develop a new Women’s Channel for the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.  I’m excited to be the lead Editor of the Channel with Courtney as the assistant Editor. Courtney has been a joy and blessing to get to work with already and we haven’t even launched! We are having a blast working together!

There are several reasons, besides working with Courtney, that I am thrilled about this role.  Two have dominated my heart and have informed my prayers:  I love God’s Word and I love women. There probably isn’t a site that will speak more directly to these two important topics than the CBMW. When I was asked to join the team, Thern and I knew that it would be a wonderful fit for me and I pray for them as well! I am approaching this role prayerfully and full of faith. I anticipate wonderful ways the Lord will use the articles and resources ahead.

There’s so much more that I could say, but I won’t give anything away. Instead I’d like to draw your attention to some announcements. Owen, the Executive Director of CBMW, has been working hard to let everyone know about the upcoming changes. I’d hate for you to miss anything. You can see all of the updates so far here. 

If you are unfamiliar with CBMW you can learn more here!

Interested in keeping up with the latest? Check out the Facebook page and Twitter.

I look forward to sharing more soon. Until then, I’m most grateful for your prayers as we launch this new site.






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Grace & Truth Conference