Enjoying the Pastoral Prayer
Enjoy Trillia Newbell Enjoy Trillia Newbell

Enjoying the Pastoral Prayer

“Let’s pray.” With these words, the pastor in the pulpit bows his head and everyone in the pews around me does the same. What follows is pretty unspectacular…

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5 Gifts I’ve Found in My Singleness
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5 Gifts I’ve Found in My Singleness

Enjoying God and all He has given to us can be difficult to understand and abstract at times. That’s why I’ve asked a few friends to share how they have enjoyed various aspects of the Christian life, seasons, and disciplines. I pray you are encouraged by this series of guest posts — By Lindsay Swartz

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Savoring What We Love
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Savoring What We Love

Enjoying God and all He has given to us can be difficult to understand and abstract at times. That’s why I’ve asked a few friends to share how they have enjoyed various aspects of the Christian life, seasons, and disciplines. I pray you are encouraged by this series of guest posts.— By Karen Prior Swallow

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Three Benefits of Discipleship
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Three Benefits of Discipleship

What happens when you get a group of women in a room to discuss life and the gospel?

Talking. Lots of talking. And questions. More questions than you can imagine. Why? Because we need each other, and sometimes life can be confusing and include insurmountable circumstances. During my time in settings like this, I’m reminded of the importance of discipleship…

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Enjoy, Beloved, Enjoy!
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Enjoy, Beloved, Enjoy!

God has graciously given us a Body, the church, with many parts and a variety of gifts meant to serve and love each other. Today, we get to experience two chapters in Enjoy (relationships and art) on display through the creative and Christ-centered poetry of my friend, Isaac Adams, for our benefit and enjoyment…

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Advent in the midst of Busyness
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Advent in the midst of Busyness

Let’s all say it out loud: The holiday season can be extremely busy. Crazy busy! Is it too busy? Perhaps. During these weeks, we find a new hustle in our step to get it all done – from decorations to gift shopping, visitors to parties. The busyness of the season can be fun and also exhausting, often leaving us a bit depleted. The busyness can also snuff out the importance and the why for all that we are doing. Why are we eager to give gifts to those we love the most? Why are we taking an entire month to prepare to celebrate and open gifts? Why are we scrambling to find that perfect tree or the most festive wreath? My hope is that your answer isn’t, “To keep up with the Joneses.”

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Gratefulness When Life Is Messy
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Gratefulness When Life Is Messy

In a few days, many of us will gather around a table to give thanks with family and friends. But as life goes, Thanksgiving may not be a time of cheer for all. As I thought about how to encourage my own soul this Thanksgiving, the Lord turned my heart to pray to him. I’ve seen pastor Tim Keller, quoted saying something like, “The only person who dares wake a king at 3:00 a.m. for a glass of water is a child. We have that kind of access.” We have access to the Great High Priest, the King of Kings; we have access to Jesus who sits at the right hand of the Father and, during the busyness or difficulties of this season, it might be easy to forget to stop and pray. Therefore, instead of writing about all the reasons we ought to be thankful, I would like to share a prayer from Scotty Smith’s book Every Season Prayers. I hope this prayer encourages your faith during this season…

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What’s the Point of Enjoying?
Enjoy Trillia Newbell Enjoy Trillia Newbell

What’s the Point of Enjoying?

When I open my social media feeds, I see a clear sense that most people are weary, discouraged, confused, or fearful. This has been a heavy year in many ways. 2016 even has it’s own saying. I’ve heard this year spoken or written about in terms like, “It’s 2016 doing it’s thing” or “2016 being 2016”. In the public and social arena, 2016 was a difficult year. And that’s true without even getting into the everyday struggles we’ve all likely faced. So, here we are, at the end of a difficult year and my new book Enjoy is set to release. It’s a book about exactly what the title suggests and so I’m left wondering, why bother?

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On Being a “Serious” Christian
Enjoy Trillia Newbell Enjoy Trillia Newbell

On Being a “Serious” Christian

I cycle. I get on a bike, channeling my inner 12 year old girl, and spin all over Williamson County where I live. I will sit on my bike for hours upon hours (okay, not really yet, only two or so). I find great joy in it and actually wrote a piece for Christianity Today about the intersection between Christianity and exercise. I love cycling and I believe that I can glorify God while I’m enjoying the sport…

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