What’s the Point of Enjoying?

When I open my social media feeds, I see a clear sense that most people are weary, discouraged, confused, or fearful. This has been a heavy year in many ways. 2016 even has it’s own saying. I’ve heard this year spoken or written about in terms like, “It’s 2016 doing it’s thing” or “2016 being 2016”. In the public and social arena, 2016 was a difficult year. And that’s true without even getting into the everyday struggles we’ve all likely faced. So, here we are, at the end of a difficult year and my new book Enjoy is set to release. It’s a book about exactly what the title suggests and so I’m left wondering, why bother?

Yesterday I emailed some friends:

Last night I thought to myself, There are so many evil, discouraging, and awful things going on in the world. Why am I bothering people with a book called Enjoy? And then I realized, wait a minute, maybe there’s a reason the Lord led me to write this book right now (or, at least for it to be published at this time). So, would you join me in praying that this book would serve to encourage and maybe even comfort people?

As I’ve wrestled with these realities this week, I’ve found myself more eager than ever to get Enjoy out. Not because I think that it’s the answer or that it will solve any or all of our problems. Only God can do that. However, I do believe that Enjoy points us to a greater good, a greater Hope, a better and lasting joy. My aim and goal with Enjoy is to help us see, recognize, and celebrate all that the Lord has given us—namely Himself. When everything seems like a dumpster fire isn’t it good to know that there are still good reasons for rejoicing?

I’m taking a step of faith and will be sharing more in the coming weeks about delighting in the Lord and in his good gifts as we wait and look towards that day of everlasting peace and joy. My prayer for you and me is that – even when the world around us is in disarray – we would be refreshed in the Lord, that our God would be magnified in our eyes, and that we would learn the beauty of being sorrowful, yet always rejoicing. I hope you will join me on this journey of delighting.

With anticipation,


p.s. If you didn’t hear, I am giving away a free Advent devotional when you pre-order Enjoy. You can learn more about this offer in this post or via the books page: HERE




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