A Time to Pray
Join Kristie Anyabwile, Courtney Doctor, Dennae Pierre and I as we share a short word and lead a time of prayer. We would like to join together to pray during this unprecedented time.

Join SJ in prayer for 2020 (Copy)
It’s a new year! None of us know what 2020 will bring but we know that God will be faithful and good to us. As you may know, my family started a small online boutique to benefit the artisans in Rwanda.The response has been incredibly encouraging and faith-building. You can see some of the stories we’ve shared and other encouraging updates on our Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/sjboutique2020/. We have more work to do and hope for the women and the boutique, and we hope you’ll join us in praying for our 2020 goals. We believe in the power of prayer, so many of these goals double as prayer requests. Would you join us in praying for these goals?

My future self does thank me and other updates
I’d love for you to take a moment to watch this video that includes some important updates and a prayer request! See you in September!

First Draft: Only by Prayer
I’ve always been intrigued by the scene in Mark 9: 14-29. The disciples tried to cast out an unclean spirit and failed to do so. The father pleads with Jesus to help his son. Jesus asked him a question and the father answered, “But if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.” Jesus, replied, “If you can! All things are possible for one who believes.” Without hesitation the father said, “I believe; help my unbelief!” and it was granted to him. I’ve quoted that line many times: Lord, I believe, help my unbelief! But it isn’t that line that intrigues me most. At the end of their time there, the disciples pulled Jesus aside and asked him why they couldn’t cast it out. Jesus replied, “This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer.”

5 Ways to Pray for Pastors
Over the past few years we have seen a number of pastors either fall into sin or burnout and then decide to call it quits. Now this isn’t new or even unique to the past few years, but perhaps because of social media and the internet in general we are more aware today of what’s going on in the church around our country and the world. And so with more news of pastors stepping away, it led me to really begin thinking about my own pastor and how I can care for him.

A Call to Prayer During Anxious Time
Praying is never an overreaction.
I shared that sentiment a few weeks ago on twitter and I believe it is true. While prayer is never an overreaction, I would dare to say it’s not always our first reaction.

An Invitation to Fast and Pray in the Wake of Tragedy
Last night, I heard the incredibly sad news that Dallas police officers were shot and killed during a protest against cops. And at that moment, I’ve never felt more helpless…

Let’s Pray Together
I remember when I became a Christian, the lady who shared the gospel with me told me that she had several friends praying that I would come to know the Lord. And the day I became a Christian, three friends gathered around me and joined me in praying to the Lord for the forgiveness of my sin. I remember meeting with my two girlfriends every other week for several years, sharing about the various trials we were experiencing, the joys of life, and praying each time. I have never been a part of church that didn’t include a small group, therefore I’ve been blessed by weekly or biweekly prayer times with other believers consistently over the past 15 years…

A Gift for Your Wife on Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is special. On this day, mothers are celebrated with flowers, dinners, and special handwritten notes from their children. I love gifts, but I’m also aware that my greatest need above all else is sustaining grace. This grace is available to me but the only one who can give it is God. My husband can’t give me the gift I need to do the work of motherhood (though a massage is always accepted—hint hint). Joking aside, what my husband can do is pray that God would provide all I need for the task and all of life…

Condemnation and Abortion
This was on my heart last night for those who will be in church today who have had abortions, who have asked forgiveness and continue to struggle.

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