A Gift for Your Wife on Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is special. On this day, mothers are celebrated with flowers, dinners, and special handwritten notes from their children. I love gifts, but I’m also aware that my greatest need above all else is sustaining grace. This grace is available to me but the only one who can give it is God. My husband can’t give me the gift I need to do the work of motherhood (though a massage is always accepted—hint hint). Joking aside, what my husband can do is pray that God would provide all I need for the task and all of life.

This Mother’s Day, I’d like to give you, husbands, a little list of ways you can pray for your wife. This list is derived from the stories and ideas in my book, Fear and Faith. Though the book goes well beyond motherhood, addressing everything from fear of man to intimacy, I do believe fear regarding motherhood can drive some women to great despair. My prayer is that this short prayer list will serve her as a woman. As we know, her identity isn’t in her motherhood, but in her Jesus.


Pray that she would fear the Lord above man. Pray that she would not be concerned about what other’s are doing or thinking, but that she would concern herself with the things of God.

Pray that her heart would not fear the future for her children. Pray that she would know that God is her Father and He loves her dearly. Pray that she would be reminded He is sovereign over all things and has grace for tomorrow where she does not.

Pray that she would rest in God as she worries about your life, work, and spiritual health. She wants you to be well and do well. Pray that she would know that you are entrusted to the Lord just as she is and she can trust the Lord.

Pray that she would know the rich truth all throughout Romans 8, especially that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. She might feel like a failure often—pray she knows that Jesus died for her failures and has nothing but grace reserved for her.

Pray that she would put away worldly (or even churchy) measures. Pray she would no longer hold herself to unrealistic and unhealthy standards. Pray she would rest—God gives rest for the weary. Pray she would know this rest well.

Pray that she would know that only God has an infinite amount of time and that she is limited. Pray that she would accomplish what is needed for the day and wouldn’t go to sleep anxious.

Pray that she would sleep well.

Pray she wouldn’t be ashamed for desiring rest. Pray she would know that when she is weak, then and only is she truly strong. Only God doesn’t need rest; we all must rest. Pray she learns to discern when it’s time to leave tasks and rest.

Pray she doesn’t feel guilty while playing. Pray that when she rests, however that is done, she enjoys it. Pray leisure doesn’t become a “guilty pleasure” for her, but full of the freedom found in Christ.

Pray that she would not be anxious about money and any other provision. Pray she would remember times the Lord has been faithful to her.

Pray that the Lord would restore the joy of her salvation.

Pray she would know that there is no other woman that captivates you like she does. Pray she would rest in knowing that you fear the Lord and desire to be pure. (And ask God for the grace of repentance if you can’t pray this prayer).

Pray that her times with the Lord would be meaningful to her. Pray that God would reveal himself in his Word.

Pray for her prayer life. Pray that she would be reminded that she can draw near to the throne of grace during her time of need.

Pray she would know the God of the Bible.

Pray that God would be faithful to her.

Pray God’s will would be done in her life and that she would recognize his providential hand in all things.

Pray that you would forgive her—whatever sin, betrayal, or bitterness you’ve been holding onto— and pray that God would give you a soft heart  towards her.

Pray that her love would grow for her Savior and then for the rest of you. 😉

Pray that her broken relationship(s) would heal. And if you are a part of that brokenness, that your love for one another would increase and whatever repentance and forgiveness needs to take place would happen.

Pray that she would know that God has given her all she needs for life and godliness.

Pray she can enjoy the grace of God and be herself.

Pray that she would truly know that beauty is indeed fleeting and that she would be a woman who fears the Lord.


Your gifts are meaningful and will definitely be met with gratitude. But your prayers are needed. Thank you for praying for her this Mother’s Day.



You can read more about life, trials and faith in my recently published book, Fear and Faith: Finding the Peace Your Heart Craves.




When Mother’s Day Is Hard


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