United is out!

Saturday was the “official” release date for United: Captured by God’s Vision for Diversity! I’m excited about this book because I am convinced of the message. United is not so much a book about diversity as it is about loving others. It is a book about the beauty of diversity in God’s creation and design and how we can fellowship with one another because of the blood of our Savior.

We know that in eternity, people from every tribe and nation will come together. But I think we can start seeing that happen now, in the body of Christ. It amazes me that we are one — brothers and sisters adopted into the family of God. The gospel unites us. It breaks down the barriers that separate us.

I’m praying that we will have a greater vision for what the church could be. That the world will look at the church and see the beauty and diversity of God’s creation. And that they will be amazed by the power of the gospel to make us united.

You can now purchase United via: Amazon, ShopMoody, and other retailers.

Interested in helping spread the word? Here are a few ways:

  1. Book Review: If you’d like to share your thoughts about United you can do so by writing a review on Amazon or Goodreads.

  2. Share via social media: You can share links or your thoughts via social media

  3. Interviews: I am doing several interviews over the next month and would love to chat it up with you. If that interests you feel free to contact Jana Muntsinger. You can learn more here.




Pastors Pursuing Diversity: An Interview with Lance Lewis


Video about United