Why the Crickets

Cricket. Cricket. That’s the sound of a blog that is empty of content.

That’s been the sound here!

But for good reason.

I am finishing up the school year with my kids, which means school functions, parties, last minute admin, and fun.

Did you know I’m writing a book? I will be sharing more about the book soon, but until then the crickets here means I’m sitting in a café finishing up that manuscript. I would be so blessed if you would pray for the book as it comes to completion.

Looking Ahead

Over the next few weeks I’ll be finishing up the Wednesday series, Pastor’s Pursuing Diversity, with interviews with Dave Furman, J. D. Greer, and Robert Gelina.

I look forward to replacing the Wednesday series with a new one…to be announced soon.

Finally, I have several speaking engagements coming up this year that I look forward to sharing with you.

Bye bye crickets…soon!

Soon there will be some noise on here but until then, thank you so much for stopping by.

If you haven’t heard of or read United: Captured by God’s Vision for Diversity, I highly recommend it. 😉 




Introducing Tri for Others


Pastors Pursuing Diversity: Interview with Wes Van Fleet