Join me for the fall Fear and Faith Study!

One of the things that I’ve repeatedly observed is the danger of isolation in the Christian life. The creeping sense that you’re alone in your struggle, temptation and sin. This is so dangerous because the truth is the exact opposite, you aren’t alone in your struggle, temptation, or sin. We won’t know this if we stay in isolation, as there’s love, strength and grace to be found in a community of believers striving and growing together.

So, starting this September, I’m excited to announce the Fear and Faith study.

We’re going to spend 11 weeks studying scripture and exploring how to turn a fear-filled life into one marked by faith. I want to share what I’ve learned and continue to learn about this journey from fear to faith, and I’d love for you to begin to think about gathering or connecting with a group of women who will join me in this study through Fear and Faith. Each member of your group will read the chapter for the week and you (or another woman you’ve designated) will lead your group through the discussion questions. As a way to enhance your small group time, each week I’ll share new discussion questions, post a devotional connected to the content for the week and share stories about real women who have fought different types of fears.

Right from the beginning of Fear and Faith, I share that fear is all too often present in my own life. It’s a fear of what others think, fear for my kids’ future, fear about what tomorrow might hold. I’ve learned struggling with fear isn’t unique to me and that you likely do daily battle with fear that’s plaguing your life, too. There are so many wonderful truths that we can cling to from the Bible, and one of them is that there is someone stronger than any of the fears we face. Someone who can help us find true rest and peace from them. I want to know Him better and I want you to know Him better too.

You are not alone and whatever fear you might be facing is no match for the one who has faced every fear and has overcome the world.

I hope you will join me in September as we fight fear with faith together.


Learn more and sign up for free here:




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