Black, Reformed, Female: An Update

Over the past few months I have had the pleasure to engage the Christian community on the topic of race and church life. It’s been a humbling experience and an emotional time. I’ve cried tears of joy knowing that women are being affected and encouraged by my words, pastors are eager to learn more and are rallying behind me, and organizations such as Desiring God and The Gospel Coalition are taking an active role in helping inform those who might be encouraged to know the black female perspective. I’ve been fearful knowing that the topic of race (and racism) can be very difficult for some to face, about putting my heart out on display for the world to see, and a fear of God as I pray through what I write. Overall, I thank God that one post has been received so well.

But we don’t want to stop there and by the grace of God we don’t have to!  Her.meneutics, Kyria Digital and Desiring Godhave given me the opportunity to keep the conversation going beyond Women of God Magazine and my site here. I wanted to update those of you who have asked about articles by sharing this little update. Please spread the word. God is doing amazing things!

If you haven’t been following but are interested, here is a short list of the first articles regarding these topics and a list of those to come:

Women of God Magazine: Dear Pastor: From a Black Female Congregant 

Desiring God:  Celebrating Diversity in Our Homes 

Her.meneutics: The Lament of a Black Neo-Reformed Woman


Kyria Digital: Two posts on interracial marriage

Desiring God: A post about femininity

Her.meneutics: Race and politics

And MORE (keep a lookout)!

God is doing great things for his people and for his glory!




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