New Role at The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission

Yesterday it was announced that I am joining Dr. Russell Moore’s team as the consultant for women’s initiatives for the ERLC. I am honored to be among five newly announced staff members, you can read more about that here.  Dr. Moore addresses serious, delicate, and often complicated issues and topics affecting today’s society, church, and government with great thoughtfulness and grace. I have the utmost respect for him.

Many have asked me what it is that I will be doing as the consultant for women’s initiatives.  This position will coordinate the ERLC’s initiatives directed toward women by contributing content and collaborating with other contributors to provide timely, biblical resources. On average for a typical week I will develop one to two pieces of original content for and coordinate contributions from others on pieces of original content. I will work closely with our communications team, namely Daniel Darling, Vice President of Communications, to develop topics and contributors.  In addition to writing I will do podcasts, interviews and other things as needed.

There are suffering, confused, and at times hurting people behind almost every topic that we will address. My desire would be that as I write and develop other writers, we would remember the humanity behind each issue and address them with a biblical foundation saturated in the grace of God.

The team Dr. Moore is building is both knowledgeable and conscientious. I hope to effectively serve the Southern Baptist Convention as well as all of Christendom in addressing topics related to public policy and all of life, especially as it relates to women. I am very excited about my new role at the ERLC and hope you will join me in praying for our future.




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